New Beginnings Fellowship Intl. is an affiliate partner with One New Man Network
The message of the One New Man is often misunderstood. Many see the intent as to “put people under the law” or “return them to Judaism.” Nowhere in the message of The One New Man do we suggest a return to Old Testament legalism. Our mission is simply to broaden and disseminate the liberating knowledge of the roots (foundations) of our Christian Faith.
We believe that the second covenant brings a completion to the first covenant-it does not negate it. When believers begin to understand their beginning as well as their end, they will begin to walk in greater fullness. In Romans 11:13-26, Paul spoke of this fullness when he said, “But if their transgression means riches for the world, and their loss mean riches for the Gentiles, how much greater will full inclusion bring!”
The message of The One New Man is a message fullness-of unity between Jewish believers and Gentile believers -our heritage past, and our heritage present and future. It is a message that empowers believers to understand the roots of their faith by providing the teaching necessary to bring activation of the covenant revelation! Reference: John 4:22
Because many Christians are unaware of their heritage, they are unable to fully claim the blessings of that inheritance. Your inheritance must be claimed to have the full measure and value in your life. Our experiences mold us, and our heritage shapes us. In the same way, Christianity was birthed out of the Jewish Faith, and yet we have long-since strayed from where we came.
In the fourth century, during the Councils of Antioch, Elvira and Nicaea, church elders established many rules and regulations to separate the Church from the Hebraic Roots of Her Faith. Subsequently, many religious leaders tried to erase the memory of any connection between a Jewish Jesus and the Faith of Christianity. These decisions were not God’s Perfect Will and nor good for either Israel or the Church-they simply resulted in separating us from the blessings of our heritage.
"For He is our peace, the One who has made both things into one and Who has loosed the dividing wall of the fence, cause of the enmity to His flesh, 15. by His nullifying the tradition of the commandments of decrees, so that He could create the two, Jewish and non-Jewish, into "One New Man", establishing peace 16. so, he could reconcile both in one body to God through the Cross, as God killed their enmity by means of Yeshua. 17. And when He came, He proclaimed the Good News of peace to you, to those far away, and peace to those near, 18. because through Him we both have the introduction to the Father by means of one Spirit. 19. Therefore then, you are no longer aliens and strangers, but you are fellow citizens of the saints and members of the household of God, 20. building upon the foundation of the apostles, and prophets, Messiah Yeshua being the cornerstone, 21. in Whom the whole building being constructed is being fit together into a holy sanctuary in the Lord, 22. and in Whom you are built together into a habitation of God by the Spirit." (Ephesians 2:14-22 Translation from Original Hebrew and Greek Texts)
New Beginnings Fellowship Intl. is an affiliate partner with One New Man Network.